From Loner To Leader

{February 14, 2011}   Transformation

Many of you don’t know but I wrote my book proclaiming my freedom and a journey to a new me entitled, “From Loner to Leader” A Testament of How I Survived. The Last twelve of years of my life was a nightmare.  Although some good things took place, I experienced many painful episodes in my life that left me depressed, angry, bitter, sad, and guilty.  I was emotional abused by several people in my life whom I loved dearly and admired.  Worst of all I tried to commit suicide and when it didn’t work I still had thoughts of trying it again. Funny story, I actually thought of ways to kill myself.  I thought about jumping off a bridge, but I’m scared of sharks and instead of drowning I thought I shark would attack me.  Then I thought about shooting myself, only I had no gun and I was worried that if it didn’t work I could end up paralyzed.  I also thought about slicing my wrists only I wasn’t sure exactly wear to cut and if it didn’t work I would need stitches and be left with an ugly scar.  So I chose to overdose on pills, only it didn’t work.  I did sleep for a few days but as you can see I’m still here.  For many years, I walked around in darkness as if I was a zombie.  There was no light at the end of the tunnel, or at least I saw none.  I was blinded by my pain which left no room for happiness.  I ruined many relationships and lost sight of who I was.  God sent a way for me to escape many times, but I was so accustomed to the abuse that when I would leave, I would slowly find myself back into the same situation or one similar.  I didn’t know who Jasmine was and I’m still learning.  Without God I wouldn’t have made it this far.  I wrote this book as a way to free myself from these years of pain, devastation, and loss.  Towards the end of the twelve year battle, a light began to come on and the real me begin to fight its way out.  Once I decided I wanted to be free I thought that was it.  Everything would go back to normal and I would be happy.  Unfortunately, that’s not how the healing process works.  It took me a few months to understand this, but after talking with my mom and siblings, I realized I was on the journey to happiness, the journey to a new me.  My prayer and hope is that those who are out there struggling with all, some, or more of what I experienced, will find peace in the midst of their situation, and hope to know that there is a way of escape.  I pray that on the journey to a life full of happiness, everyone who reads this book will find some connection with God and build an intimate relationship with Him.  Though I still have barriers to overcome, as my healing comes to a close, I believe that God is with me and will guide me every step of the way.  My story is not finished and I am already working on the sequel entitled, “In My Appointed Time.” I know in my heart that if God can and has changed my life, He can do the same for you.  Peace and Blessings! #FromLonerToLeader

{February 1, 2011}   Thank You Devil!

Unbelievable! I have to give credit to the devil. I have been experiencing some heart wrenching obstacles ever since I made my move one thing after another.  It seems like just as soon as I get over one hurdle, two more show up in its place, smh.  I didn’t recognize what was taking place at first.  Honestly, I was perplexed.  I’m like “God I did everything you said and still I’m faced with adversity”. Of course, God and His awesome power and majesty, sent down His love and guidance to protect me.  However, today I realized the enemy is mad at me and so he’s bringing everything he’s got to pull me down.  Funny thing though, he’s really only helping me.  What he fails to realize is that the more he attacks me and brings obstacles and I overcome them and hold on to the strength God has given me, the more God will send down His blessings.  So I say to the devil “thank you”!  I know I will make it through this; it’s only a test of my strength and character.  God will see me through just like He has done in the past.  My words of encouragement to you are to stay strong, keep your head up, and don’t forget to thank the devil for helping you to get more blessings from God.  Peace & Blessings! #FromLonerToLeader

et cetera