From Loner To Leader

{October 23, 2011}   This New Life

This month has truly been amazing and life altering as well. At the beginning of this month I was still walking, riding the bus, and taking Bart to work which took me a total of 7.5 hours roundtrip just to work five hours. After praying to God and explaining my need to have a car He gave me a plan to save my money and six weeks later I would have a car. I love God and His awesomeness; He turned around because of my obedience and surprised me by giving me a car five weeks early. I am now driving and have been for two weeks. It has truly made going to work a much easier task.

In addition to my new transportation, God has also given me the strength to get back on track with health and fitness. I begin the Daniel’s Fast four weeks ago and still have two weeks to go. I have lost a total of 13 pounds so far and I have to say my body is looking much better and I feel better mentally, and emotionally. Because of this I have committed to continue my eating as a vegetarian with the same rules I use for the Daniel’s fast. I believe that God will give me strength and also bless me. Along with my healthy eating I will begin my workout routine again and in 44 weeks I will be at my goal weight.

The past thirteen years have been challenging and rewarding. However, the past ten months have shown me a lot about myself and the decisions I made in my past which were both detrimental and beneficial. I have to say that the best decision I made in the past thirteen years was to serve God and help people. The worst decision I made was to ignore myself and my feelings and fall prey to depression and suicide attempts and thoughts. It has taken me many years to forgive, forget and move on. Though some days I am reminded of the negative things of my past because they may still affect my present, I know that I am moving forward to a better future. I am very close to my 100% healing and I am feeling great about it.

My life is in a transition state leaving the old Jasmine behind and reaching towards the new and improved Jasmine. I have learned and still learning what makes me happy, sad, angry, etc. and how to deal with these emotions in a healthy way. I know God has a plan for me and I am willing to follow His lead. He has blessed me and is still in the blessing business. He has made many promises to me and I have made promises to Him. I can’t expect Him to keep His promises and I don’t keep mine, even though God doesn’t operate like that, I’m not one to take advantage of people because I know what that feels like.

Though I am still homeless and have been for the past thirteen years going from family member’s house to family members house, living in my car, living at the church, living with my classmate, rooming with a friend, and now I’m currently back at my mom’s. If I didn’t know the real reason why I was homeless I would be depressed right now. Mostly everything I owned down through the years I have had to give away or throw away. I know it’s all replaceable but at the same time it’s sad that all I own fits into my car.

I am now 31 years old and I have yet to experience many things. I was given my grandfather’s car before he passed and my mother finished paying for it because I was in college and had no income. But this year was the first year I bought my first car with my name, social security, credit score, and income and I have to say it felt nerve racking and good at the same time. I lived by myself for 3.5 months but the apartment was my father’s, he left and I was staying there the remainder of his lease. So I’m sure you can feel my anticipation to buy my first house or condo or even rent my first apartment. I have never been married, nor had children. Honestly, I’ve never really and truly lived independently. I have yet to see this wonderful world God has made because I have been sheltered and trapped by my emotions for so long. I am ready to break free.

I have hopes, prayers, and plans of leaving my comfort zone and familial surroundings. I desire to attend an Ivy League university to obtain my PhD after I complete my Master’s degree and start a new life in the same city and state of my school. I hope to get married there and raise a family and just visit my family on a yearly basis. I hope to become a great writer and famous author and do lots of traveling. I can’t wait to go on my first cruise and get a passport and go to my first country. I have so many firsts to look forward to. This year was my first year moving away from everyone to attend Pepperdine, and going to New York, Florida, and Hawaii.

I am on my way to bigger and better things and I know that if I stay focused, obey God’s leading, and be true to myself and my feelings and desires then someday soon all my dreams will come true and I will have God to thank and give the glory to. Peace & Blessings #FromLonerToLeader

{September 18, 2011}   Almost To My Promised Land!

I had mixed feelings and emotions concerning my present and future life. I am thankful to God for healing me of the past and helping me to let go of my mistakes and misfortunes for decisions I made. I love helping people and have a hard time saying no. As a result, I missed out on a lot of opportunities that would have me living a pretty successful and settled life. Often times the guilt creeps upon me and clouds my judgment and I end up being indecisive about my decisions. I wanted to be a pediatrician growing up but because of my love for cooking and my family’s encouragement in the area I decided I wanted to be a famous chef. I was given the opportunity to start chef school during my senior year of high school at Johnson & Whales University in Rhode Island but my mother thought it was too far and didn’t allow me to go. After graduating high school I had no idea what to do. We didn’t live near any chef schools in our city so I would have had to move to the closet one which was in San Francisco. I really loved my church and didn’t want to move to San Francisco so I enrolled in a home program. However, after cooking three meals a day and cleaning up the mess for my former pastor’s kids I decided this was not the job for me. I sort of liked watching kids and it allowed me to stay home so I became lazy in my studies and started the Early Childhood Education program. I dropped out shortly thereafter thinking God had something else for me to do. I prayed and asked God what should I do? That same night I was prophesied to at church saying that I was going to be a gynecologist. I rearranged my schooling and was actually excited. Unfortunately, my former pastor persuaded me to stick with kids and so I did. Big Mistake! Drama happened in my life for a few years and I changed majors and decided to become a teacher. It took several years to finish my degree. Not because I wasn’t smart but because I kept lending my time to family and friends and putting my life on hold. Things never turned out right and I finally got burnt out. After getting my AA and my BA I realized I was done with school. I couldn’t get a job because I needed a credential. It took two years before I decided to give in and get the credential. Things looked like they would be okay. I still wasn’t satisfied and I felt like I wasn’t being challenged. Last year I received 7 prophecies and was overwhelmed with the outpouring of God’s love for me. One of the prophets told me that I was supposed to be a doctor but some things changed. I felt horrible because I knew that was God. There was no way the prophet would have known that. The other things that were said to me seemed to keep me grounded in the field of education but was letting me know I missed the opportunity to be a medical doctor. I was accepted into Pepperdine and was having a ball. It wasn’t as challenging as it could have been and I know there aren’t many teaching opportunities available right now. I had to drop out because of financial reasons and still being homeless. I moved back home and was faced with depression. I was determined not to become depressed again however, I had no strength left to fight. To make this story short, I was faced with a tough decision. Do I continue in the education field or pursue the medicine field. Or do I quit both and go another direction. It was really hard to make a decision being aware that the path I chose now would have consequences later especially if I choose the wrong one. I think having many gifts and talents although a blessing is also a great responsibility. I can do so much to help people but where do I begin. After praying and waiting on God to speak I was able to clearly make a decision. I am happy with my decision and I know that I will be blessed and I will be a blessing to others. My advice to you is to do the right thing the first time so that you can avoid making the wrong choice. I suffered an extra 9 years of hardship because I didn’t accept the answer to my prayer back in 2002. Although I should be further in my life I have to admit that I was once in the land of Egypt. God delivered me from slavery just like he did the Children of Israel. I am now walking in the wilderness on my way to my promised land. I don’t plan to stay in the wilderness long like the Children of Israel did. So I accept the results of my disobedience and I am now on the path that God has chosen for me. I encourage all people to live life and pursue their dreams. Don’t allow anyone or anything to stop you. This is not a good place I’m in right now however, God has a plan for me and I know that things will pick up and get better soon. I am so close to being 100% healed and I truly believe that once I am healed I can be happy and everything I desire will come my way. You can have everything your heart desires but if you’re unhappy then it will only last a moment and when the thrill surpasses all you’re left with is empty feelings and unfulfilled promises. Don’t let time pass and life slips you by. Seize the moment and take control of your DESTINY NOW! Peace & Blessings! #FromLonerToLeader

{August 3, 2011}   Still Waiting…..

I’m not sure exactly when my faith began to slip. But somehow I’ve lost sight of what God has promised me and I’ve become impatient with waiting on simple things that I desire and feel I deserve to happen. It has given me this attitude and chip on my shoulder that I cannot stand. I hate being this way and acting like this towards God after all that He’s done for me. I love God more than I love myself so this attitude has to change. Just because I’m on a journey to a new me doesn’t mean I have to act stinky. God has been so good to me and He has promised me so many things. Just because I don’t have exactly all the things I want yet doesn’t mean God has forgotten about me. It just sucks having to wait. But I understand that God only wants the best for me and waiting is not a punishment it’s to give me exactly what I desire. So why can’t I just be okay with that? Why do I feel the need to cry, complain, get discouraged, or irritated? I really need to check myself and allow God the time He needs to bless me the way He desires without getting on His nerves. Besides acting like this may hinder my blessings and cause me to have to wait longer and I hate acting like this. I try so hard to be perfect, kind, loving, and helping. Sometimes it’s so hard to do because I begin to look at my situation and compare it to other people. Being a leader is not what I signed up for, God called me to do this. Now I’m trying to follow His lead and be the best leader I can be. I hate that I make mistakes but I know that making mistakes is a part of the growth process. I felt this same way last year when I was trying to forgive everyone who ever hurt me and deal with that pain. Now I’m working on forgiving myself. I hate the choices I made in the past 12 years because it left me with nothing. I am still homeless although I’m not on the street thank God, my car is down so I have no reliable transportation, I had to quit school because I couldn’t afford it, and now I need a job but having a hard time finding one, I have bills that must be paid, and including student loans I’m $85,000 in debt and I still have no credential to teach. One thing after another has happened and I am exhausted. Yet for some strange reason, even with all this chaos I still believe everything will work out. This must be God’s plan for me. Most people who make it to the top have to reach rock bottom first. So, I figure this is my rock bottom. I am exposing my insecurities as well as my faith in God because I am human. I think people; especially saved ones should not feel bad when human feelings override their faith in God. It is a part of life and this is when God can really show up and show out. He can get the glory out of your misery. I know in my heart that God loves me and that everything that is taking place in my life good and bad is for a reason. When the time comes all my dreams will come true and God will get the glory. It is because of His strength that I am still alive today and trying to fight for my life and my dreams. Some days are easier than others but I know and believe that I will get through this. So I say to you that no matter what you are dealing with now and no matter how difficult it may feel, don’t give up, don’t lose hope, and keep trusting in God. I love this quote from the movie Facing the Giants “you keep fighting until you have nothing left to give”. Peace & Blessings #FromLonertoLeader

Woke up around 8:45am and left around 10:05am. Got on a straight bus to the metrolink station only took one hour and twenty minutes. Bought my ticket which was a little more than the website said, again the budget had to be adjusted. Got all the way to San Bernardino just to find out no trains would be leaving from there to day to Irvine and all the L.A. trains were running late. I had to buy a new ticket to get from San Bernardino back to Baldwin Park. I was almost in tears but I sucked it up and kept it moving. I made it to the L.A. station to find out I missed my train because the train I was on got us there thirty minutes late. There was another one leaving so I followed the directions with another guy to find out minutes later that the train was on the other side where it wasn’t supposed to be. I’m like really, is this really happening. I was already going to be two hours late but I thought better late than never. But if I waited on the next train school would be over when I got there and I’d still have to turn right around and go back to Baldwin Park. I realized reluctantly that my circumstances were beyond my control and I did everything in my power to stay in school and avoid taking a leave of absence. I don’t plan on quitting but I don’t like being irresponsible even when it’s not my fault. A tough decision must be made and I have to live with that decision. I never made it to school. In fact I’m on the train now writing this. It’s 5:42pm and my phone is off so I can’t call anyone and there is no Wi-fi so I can’t Skype. I tried my best to get to school been riding trains and buses all day just to be defeated. I may have been defeated in getting to school, my grades may not reflect my usual ability, I may be homeless and carless, I may not have much money in the bank but one thing I do know is that I am alive and well. I am saved and have a lovely relationship with God. I know that He will bless me with everything I need and that this too shall pass. The devil will not win because I already have the victory. Weeping may endure for a night but joy will come in the morning. I may have had a minor set back but only God knows how that setback will work in my favor to bring me my major blessing. Like Savannah from Hell Cats tv show “Positive Outcomes Only”. Nothing but favor is coming to me and everything I’ve lost I will get back with an added bonus. #fromlonertoleader

On my way to Sacramento at 1:30am taking the rental car back, I had to swerve suddenly to avoid running into this big black object that was taken up the whole lane. In my attempts to avoid an accident the car started spinning and I lost all control of the vehicle and dirt was flying everywhere. I couldn’t see and I didn’t know where I was. All I could think was that the oncoming cars are going to hit me and uncle Jim will be responsible because the car was in both our names. I started calling God and Jesus. When the car finally stopped I was like OMG the devil is trying to kill me. I started crying and realized I was on the median. I got out the car and assessed the damage. It looked fine so I got back into the car and got back on the freeway. Thanking God through my tears fear begin to take over me. I started pleading the blood of Jesus. About 20 miles after the spin out the tire low air pressure light came on. I ended up stopping at a gas station and realized the back passenger side tire hub cap was cracked and there were little pieces of rocks in the passenger side tires. I worked for an hour trying to get them out before putting air in the tire. I managed to get most out and added the air. However, the light didn’t go off so I called emergency road side assistance. The lady assured me everything would be okay. I still had 209 miles to go to Sacramento and I really didn’t want to drive anymore. I made it to Sacramento by 5:15am. I waited for the tow truck to come so I could empty the car and put my belongings in my car. I took the car back, thank God for insurance. I called most of my family just happy to be alive. My friend/sister Lee Lee had already asked her mother if I could stay with them for the three weeks I had left for school. My grandma had given me money for metro fare to and from school. My mom bought me a ticket to get there. I had budgeted all my refunds and the little bit of money I had left in the bank. I thanked God again and asked Him to continue to help me past my tests with a great attitude. I had been 8s, 9s, and 10s out of 10 during this whole time accept for my birthday I was a 5. Well with my faith and determination I boarded the plan and prayed for God’s protection. I had no idea I would have to pay for my bag to be checked nor did I know the shuttle would be that expensive from what I was told. Needless to say, that hurt the budget a little. But being the survivor I am I easily adjusted things. Had a good night’s rest and was ready to conquer the bus and metrolink so I could get to school from Baldwin Park to Irvine. #fromlonertoleader

{July 5, 2011}   Fighting For My Life Part I

As a woman of faith I have to tell you that the past two weeks of my life have been trying and awesome all at once. My car was not in the perfect condition and I had owned it for several years. However, with proper maintenance and upkeep it would be fine. On my way home from Reno with my two brothers Jeremy and Rodrick and my sister Essence the car decides to breakdown just as we got off the mountain near Auburn. None of us panicked we just pulled over on the freeway and my brothers got out to check the under the hood. They wasn’t sure what the problem was and the car sounded like it wanted to start. After about fifteen minutes the highway patrol pulled up and assisted us off the freeway. Another My brothers pushed the car into the nearby gas station and a young man in a truck tried to jump the car. It didn’t start so we begin to think of what to do. It was after 8pm and getting dark. We ended up calling a tow truck company who came from Elk Grove to take the car to Sacramento where my grandmother lived. Unsure of how we were getting to Sacramento ourselves, my godfather in Reno got on the phone and in touch with my uncle Jim. He came all the way from Sacramento to pick us up and take us to my grandmothers while we awaited the news of my car. Mind you I still had to drop my brother off in Manteca, and my sister off in Fresno and I myself had to get back to school in Irvine. This expense became great and the money I had set aside for living expenses at the hotel began to dwindle down. For the first time since I got my license and car I had become carless. The tow truck was working hard to diagnose my car and one day became five days. We were stuck in Sacramento a whole week. We kept in contact with our parents and my godparents trying to find solutions to this problem. Money was running out and at this point I missed a whole week of school. My teachers were understanding but I still didn’t feel right about missing school. At least I spent my birthday with my two siblings instead of alone. We finally got the news about the car, it needed an engine and I nor my family could afford that. I needed to rent a car which I couldn’t do on my own so my uncle Jim helped us. Finally, I got home and packed my belongings and said goodbye to my hotel studio that had housed me for eight weeks of the semester. I checked into another hotel for two days before having to return the car back to Sacramento. I didn’t really have a plan. My lovely teacher Dr. Jago assisted me with the decision to try and stay for the remainder of the term and a possible leave of absence for Fall term and Spring term. #fromlonertoleader

{June 9, 2011}   Press Release

Any Editors, Literary Agents, Magazines, Radio Shows, and Talk Shows, if you need a professional copy the contact information is included. For everyone else, simply enjoy and feel free to comment. Peace & Blessings #FromLonerToLeader


Press Release starts here:


EDITORS: For review copies or interview requests, contact:

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Don’t Put Your Dreams
on Hold Any Longer!

Woman’s life story exemplifies resilience of human
spirit, promotes individuality and devotion to God

IRVINE, Calif.
– In a culture that is increasingly focused on appearance and the superficial, it can be easy to equate our self-worth with what others think of us. Do we look good enough, drive the right car, do we impress other people? It’s time to get grounded and put an effort into what really matters, and according to author Jasmine Marie Gladney, the most important thing in life is learning to trust in God and rely on him for guidance instead of worrying about what other people think. She shares her personal story in From Loner to Leader: A Testament to How I Survived (published by AuthorHouse), a book sure to resonate with readers experiencing similar situations.

“I was always trying to figure out how someone else thought about me or felt,” Gladney confesses. “BIG MISTAKE! You can’t go through life with this problem. Otherwise, you’ll always try to live your life for other people instead of yourself.” This realization, and the process she went through to change her life, gave Gladney the courage she needed to share her story in From Loner to Leader.

Pointing out that life is filled with constant changes; that it is imperative to never stop learning and trying to improve yourself, Gladney is blunt in her approach: “You can’t blame others for your problems or failures,” she writes. “They may have been involved, but you made the choice.”

Delving into her personal story of trials and tribulations, Gladney shares stories of abuse, manipulation and low self-esteem, all of which caused her to isolate herself from positive influences. Furthermore, she found herself taken advantage of by church leaders, which only reinforced her distrust and feelings of worthlessness. Realizing that it was time to take charge of her own life and redefine her destiny, Gladney found a reawakened relationship with God and those around her.

Jam-packed with advice in 13 easy-to-read chapters, From Loner to Leader includes Gladney’s five aspects to healthy living and has an excerpt from her upcoming book, In My Appointed Time. Learn to live a life that is faithful to yourself and to God and stop worrying about what other people are up to – take yourself From Loner to Leader in this uplifting new guide.

About the Author

Jasmine Marie Gladney has a bachelor’s degree in liberal studies and is currently pursuing a master’s degree in education with a multiple subject teaching credential at Pepperdine University. She plans to complete medical school and become a pediatrician. Gladney has worked as a youth director for several churches for many years and is passionate about helping young people accomplish their goals and develop a
strong relationship with God.

AuthorHouse is the leading provider of self- publishing, marketing, and bookselling services for authors around the globe. For more information, visit                  ###


{June 7, 2011}   Accepting Reality

When I first became homeless last May 2010, I was devastated. Of course, I had only had my own place for a few months and the 12 years prior I had been bouncing from one relative’s home to the next.  I thought the year 2008 was tough when I got kicked out four times and had to move four times during that year.  But this was by far the most devastating homeless situation ever.  Thank God I only had to sleep in my car a few nights because I could only imagine how people survive this situation for weeks, months, and years at a time.  I didn’t want to share my fate with anyone at first because I felt it was a secret between God and me.  I didn’t want anyone to jeopardize my blessing because I was holding on to my faith and a promise that God had made through the prophet. I shared with three young people my situation and they understood and stood in faith with me.  That’s exactly what I needed at the time, some believers and some people to stand with me.  There were people who had offered me a place to stay that would require me to move but those who didn’t want me to move didn’t offer me a place to stay.  I made the wrong choice to stay however, it worked out for my good.  I ended up staying with my grandmother for fall semester at her senior apartments with permission from the manager. God had given me a ram in the bush.  It wasn’t the best accommodations but it beat sleeping in my car and all those long nights on the chairs at the church.  At least it was a couch until I could purchase an air mattress.  For the most part I was content, and then the healing process began.  Facing reality was tough because I had to look at how stupid I was and relive all the times I placed myself in a position to be used by people and get nothing or little in return.  I had to be reminded of all the negative things they said to me and how they made me feel.  I worked like a slave often referring to myself as Cinderella.  This couldn’t possibly be the life God had chosen for me to live.  It seemed like everyone else around me was prospering in some ways and I was being pushed aside and forgotten.  I felt like I had done way more for people than they had yet God was blessing them with things I too desired and felt I deserved.  After God used the prophets to speak into my life on last year I felt that I needed to get closer to God and do everything it took to make those prophecies a reality.  The closer I got to God the more I accepted my homeless reality.  I had hit rock bottom and I had nowhere to turn but to God.  God opened a few doors for me and I was accepted into the prestigious Pepperdine University for their Master’s degree program.  I was elated yet troubled because I had no job, no money saved, and nowhere to live.  I had published my first book but didn’t know if or when I would receive any money from it because it was even available for purchase yet. I came to LA with $80 and everything I owned fit into my Dodge Neon 2000. I came with purpose, a dream, a promise, and a desire for a fresh start.  I lost so much over this 12 year span and felt I had gained so little in return.

Upon arrival I found an email in my box from my cousin that stated I could stay with her for free until school started in January.  I was humble and thankful to God because He had provided a place for me to stay. Those weeks were relaxing and difficult at the same time.  I spent most days in bed because I had gotten sick and it rained for two weeks straight.  It was time for school and Van Nuys was a distance between Irvine but I had faith that God would provide just as he did when I came to LA.  I ended up in my car that first night, freezing half to death. I cried some, prayed some, worried some but came to the conclusion that it was my fate and that when God finished making me and proving me He would bless me with the houses He promised to give me. Thank God my sisters got the message from God and they scraped up their last to provide me with gas and money for a hotel. Finally, my financial aid had come although less than what I expected, but enough to survive for the semester.  I got screwed over by my landlord and I ended up staying in hotels and then at my classmates home because he refused to return my money because he didn’t provide a livable home for me.  Can you say frustrating?  At this point I really felt like I was becoming the Children of Israel but I didn’t want to be in the wilderness too long so I made an effort to be positive and if I was going to accept that good that God allowed then I must accept the bad. I read some more of Job, focused on my prophecies and tried my best to do well in school. The semester ended and another blow hit that I shared in another blog message about being accused of stealing. Once I made it home to my mommy everything in my head started to work out. My mommy is a great encourager and she gave me the tools I was lacking from the wisdom God has blessed her with to help me stay focused so I could receive my blessings.  I am currently living in an extended stay America hotel and I am very happy. I do desire my own place but it could be worst. I did have to give up more belongings to empty my car but let’s face it I wasn’t even using half that stuff. The awesome news is that God has been blessing me in many other ways and has promised to still bless me with my home which I can’t wait to share. I am traveling to New York
tonight for five days, then Reno next week; I will be going to Orlando, Florida and Hawaii in August and possibly Chicago.  I have some ½ carat diamond earrings, a brand new red Wii, an Android phone, an Mp3 touch player, a kindle, some new shoes, clothes, and purses, and I am working out at Curves to get my body back into shape and lose these 100lbs that I gained over the last 12 years because of my depression and low self-esteem. So you see I may have been through the storm and rain but things are beginning to look up for me. I know my situation wasn’t meant to harm me or bring me down but to make me strong and be a living witness to others. I have accomplished a lot over the years whether I ever receive recognition or not I know that God sees and knows all and that all of my blessings that have been stored up are now getting ready to pour down and I’m about to be blessed beyond my wildest imagination. So I encourage you to hold on to God and find your reality, face it, accept it, and then move forward. Peace & Blessings #FromLonerToLeader

YouTube – L2Lphotoshoot1-behind the scenes

via YouTube – L2Lphotoshoot1-behind the scenes.

{May 30, 2011}   New Attitude

Well, it’s been a good year so far into the 6th month of my new journey. In 24 days I will be 31. It seems funny that just a year ago I became homeless, jobless, money less, and lost many family and friends because of my decisions. I have gained a lot in the process. One of the most important things that I have gained is my life back. God has been so good to. He has blessed me in school and blessed my finances.  Although all of my prayers haven’t been answered yet and I am staying at a hotel, I truly believe that my blessings is on the way and the best is yet to come. God always keeps His promises to me no matter what and no matter how long. I am currently having From Loner to Leader editing for republishing. In addition, I am in the process of writing three more books entitled: Waiting on My Isaac, In My Appointed Time, and The Absent Father. I believe God has given me a word for His people who I will minister through writing. I pray to reach a huge audience that God can bless and use for His kingdom. I have some new dreams and have let some old dreams die. I am now determined more than ever to live my life to the fullest and win souls for the kingdom of God. I love God with everything in me and I am safe in His arms. Being married to God is one of the greatest decisions I made in my life even with all the bad that has taken place. I know in my heart that if God had not seen me through my tragedy I would not have made it out alive. I encourage everyone to find God and begin to build a relationship with Him. He is the answer to everything even when you think He isn’t there or doesn’t hear you. He loves you and He is the only one who can change you, make your situation better, and give you direction for your future. Hold on to your dreams, never give up, and keep living your life. Peace & Blessings #FromLonerToLeader

et cetera