From Loner To Leader

{September 18, 2011}   Almost To My Promised Land!

I had mixed feelings and emotions concerning my present and future life. I am thankful to God for healing me of the past and helping me to let go of my mistakes and misfortunes for decisions I made. I love helping people and have a hard time saying no. As a result, I missed out on a lot of opportunities that would have me living a pretty successful and settled life. Often times the guilt creeps upon me and clouds my judgment and I end up being indecisive about my decisions. I wanted to be a pediatrician growing up but because of my love for cooking and my family’s encouragement in the area I decided I wanted to be a famous chef. I was given the opportunity to start chef school during my senior year of high school at Johnson & Whales University in Rhode Island but my mother thought it was too far and didn’t allow me to go. After graduating high school I had no idea what to do. We didn’t live near any chef schools in our city so I would have had to move to the closet one which was in San Francisco. I really loved my church and didn’t want to move to San Francisco so I enrolled in a home program. However, after cooking three meals a day and cleaning up the mess for my former pastor’s kids I decided this was not the job for me. I sort of liked watching kids and it allowed me to stay home so I became lazy in my studies and started the Early Childhood Education program. I dropped out shortly thereafter thinking God had something else for me to do. I prayed and asked God what should I do? That same night I was prophesied to at church saying that I was going to be a gynecologist. I rearranged my schooling and was actually excited. Unfortunately, my former pastor persuaded me to stick with kids and so I did. Big Mistake! Drama happened in my life for a few years and I changed majors and decided to become a teacher. It took several years to finish my degree. Not because I wasn’t smart but because I kept lending my time to family and friends and putting my life on hold. Things never turned out right and I finally got burnt out. After getting my AA and my BA I realized I was done with school. I couldn’t get a job because I needed a credential. It took two years before I decided to give in and get the credential. Things looked like they would be okay. I still wasn’t satisfied and I felt like I wasn’t being challenged. Last year I received 7 prophecies and was overwhelmed with the outpouring of God’s love for me. One of the prophets told me that I was supposed to be a doctor but some things changed. I felt horrible because I knew that was God. There was no way the prophet would have known that. The other things that were said to me seemed to keep me grounded in the field of education but was letting me know I missed the opportunity to be a medical doctor. I was accepted into Pepperdine and was having a ball. It wasn’t as challenging as it could have been and I know there aren’t many teaching opportunities available right now. I had to drop out because of financial reasons and still being homeless. I moved back home and was faced with depression. I was determined not to become depressed again however, I had no strength left to fight. To make this story short, I was faced with a tough decision. Do I continue in the education field or pursue the medicine field. Or do I quit both and go another direction. It was really hard to make a decision being aware that the path I chose now would have consequences later especially if I choose the wrong one. I think having many gifts and talents although a blessing is also a great responsibility. I can do so much to help people but where do I begin. After praying and waiting on God to speak I was able to clearly make a decision. I am happy with my decision and I know that I will be blessed and I will be a blessing to others. My advice to you is to do the right thing the first time so that you can avoid making the wrong choice. I suffered an extra 9 years of hardship because I didn’t accept the answer to my prayer back in 2002. Although I should be further in my life I have to admit that I was once in the land of Egypt. God delivered me from slavery just like he did the Children of Israel. I am now walking in the wilderness on my way to my promised land. I don’t plan to stay in the wilderness long like the Children of Israel did. So I accept the results of my disobedience and I am now on the path that God has chosen for me. I encourage all people to live life and pursue their dreams. Don’t allow anyone or anything to stop you. This is not a good place I’m in right now however, God has a plan for me and I know that things will pick up and get better soon. I am so close to being 100% healed and I truly believe that once I am healed I can be happy and everything I desire will come my way. You can have everything your heart desires but if you’re unhappy then it will only last a moment and when the thrill surpasses all you’re left with is empty feelings and unfulfilled promises. Don’t let time pass and life slips you by. Seize the moment and take control of your DESTINY NOW! Peace & Blessings! #FromLonerToLeader

et cetera